Reporting and Analytics

In an environment of rapid change and spiraling costs, health care organizations, including insurance carriers and employers who self-fund healthcare coverage, need to understand what drives healthcare costs associated with their populations to determine the best strategy for providing benefits and care management.

We partner with you to address these critical needs and offer expert guidance, by first understanding your needs, and then offering the flexibility to extract, organize and analyze the data that allows your healthcare team to re-evaluate programs, streamline processes, improve strategies and find immediate cost savings.

ACCURATE can provide comprehensive reports that provide both detail and summary information on every aspect of a plan’s performance. We can also generate different types of ad hoc reports that provide strategic information necessary to manage and evaluate all elements of a health benefit program, including plan analyses, cost containment reviews and claims projections. Our experts’ unique perspective on medical and financial risk can provide additional insights into the information revealed by our technology, outlining clear courses of action and opportunities to lower costs and improve members’ health outcomes.

A sampling of available reports, include:

  • Aggregate Report
  • Specific Report
  • Lag Report
  • Unpaid Claims Report
  • Managed Care Savings Report
  • Diagnostic and DRG Reports
  • Other Custom Report Generation
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